Group-IB solutions for Phishing and Scam Protection

Disarm scammers and defeat phishing
to excel in the new digital frontier

Discover Group-IB solutions and enhance your anti-scam and anti-phishing measures. Lean on the most relevant and technically advanced technologies against such risks and rely on our exceptional cybersecurity expertise not to protect your brand but and prosper.

Top challenges related to phishing and online scams

Phishing is the most common type of social engineering attack, an easy and inexpensive way to get access to confidential data, while online scams impress with the variety of scenarios - cybercriminals never stop innovating to make their attacks more and more sophisticated and uneasy to prevent.

Email scams
and phishing
Online scams
and phishing
Lack of scam
Social engineering,
vishing, call scams

Email scams and phishing

It is common knowledge that emails are often the initial point of compromise. For cybercriminals, it happens to become a perfect attack vector opening a gateway straight to your infrastructure. The greatest challenge is to automatically detect and block scams, phishing and malicious attachments while keeping your employees informed about both massive and targeted attacks.


of all cyber attacks begin with a phishing email

Put your email security to the test
Level up your corporate email protection
Minimize risks of targeted attacks plotted by insiders
Keep your employees informed about email security

Determine your email security posture using Group-IB Trebuchet, our automated security assessment tool. Put your email security to the test based on real-life attack scenarios.

Discover Group-IB Trebuchet →

Start where phishing and scam attacks usually start and try Group-IB Business Email Protection. Automatically detect and block scams, remove malicious email content even after your mail delivery thanks to our patented retroactive analysis technology, and regularly monitor your company’s email security status.

Discover Group-IB Business Email Protection →

Leverage all capabilities of Group-IB Managed XDR solution to secure your email gateway using intelligence-driven behavioral analysis technology but also proactively detect the sophisticated threats or insiders in your infrastructure that would otherwise remain unnoticed.

Discover Group-IB Managed XDR →

Connect with Group-IB Cybersecurity Courses to educate your employees and keep them educated about scammers, their behavior, tools, and techniques. We opt for the scam-intelligent approach and regularly do some researches about scam techniques, release reports, and share knowledge with our customers.

Discover Group-IB Cybersecurity Courses →

Online scams and phishing

Being the most omnipresent, behavioral, and tricky cyber threats, digital scams and phishing use an impressive variety of techniques and tools. Phishing attacks are often disguised as online services, while phishing websites are hosted on compromised legitimate resources. Besides, more than half of high-tech crimes in 2021 were scams and phishing which makes them one of the most challenging threats ever.

700 mln

users visit at least one scam website per month

Monitor, detect, and take down scams
Investigate your scam and phishing episodes
Respond to phishing and scam incidents

Explore the capabilities of Group-IB Anti-Scam and Anti-Phishing modules to keep yourself informed about any violations and brand risks, detect infringements, and benefit from the comprehensive 3-stage takedown process by Group-IB Digital Risk Protection solution.

Discover Group-IB Digital Risk Protection →

Connect with the Group-IB Cyber Investigation team to enforce your phishing or scam investigation process. Get deep knowledge of an incident, identify a detailed threat actor profile, and collect evidence for court and law enforcement

Discover Group-IB Cyber Investigation →

Get help from the Group-IB Incident Response team to rapidly and thoroughly analyze and react to any scam-related incident. We support containment, remediation, and recovery even from the most destructive attacks.

Discover Group-IB Incident Response →

Lack of scam intelligence

Scammers keep innovating and switching techniques, tools, and schemes. It is a real challenge to keep pace with them, and the only solution is to track, analyze, and accumulate information about their activities because the efficient scam protection approach implies identifying networks of fraudulent resources and cybercriminal infrastructures daily.


fake websites created daily by scammers worldwide

Opt for the scam intelligence approach
Add threat intelligence to your anti-scam routine
Use fraud intelligence to get actionable insights

See how the Group-IB Digital Risk Protection actor-centric approach works in real life – our team of analysts keeps track of scam groups, threat actors, and common schemes to improve further scam detection and takedowns.

Discover Group-IB Digital Risk Protection →

Explore the Group-IB Threat Intelligence platform to analyze phishing databases and manage the threat landscape to react and block phishing resources as rapidly as possible.

Discover Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

See how Group-IB Fraud Protection utilizes the threat intelligence insights collected by the Unified Risk Platform giving you the full fraud landscape visibility, and our professional expertise turns these insights into actionable anti-fraud strategies.

Discover Group-IB Fraud Protection →

Social engineering, vishing, call scams

Protecting your customers from unsolicited phone calls, impersonation scams, or vishing becomes more and more important as voice AI technologies evolve.


Voice scams lead to a staggering 77% of victims suffering financial losses

Fight social engineering and phone fraud
Pentest your team's scam awareness
Stop impersonation scams

Use all the capabilities of Group-IB’s Call-ID technology by Fraud Protection solution to defend your customers and their personal data, enrich your anti-scam systems and prevent social engineering attacks such as information theft, caller ID spoofing, fake buyer fraud etc., or any other phone fraud.

Discover Group-IB Fraud Protection →

See how the Group-IB Penetration Testing service can help you test your teams’ adherence to the security policies and practices. Detect any human-related vulnerabilities with regular sessions of social engineering penetration testing.

Discover Group-IB Penetration Testing →

Use Group-IB Digital Risk Protection to defend your C-level, stellar professionals from impersonation scams and personal brand abuse that goes with them. Hunt down any impersonation case or illegal copies of their accounts on social media.

Discover Digital Risk Protection →

Connect with us to eradicate scam, phishing and online fraud

Contact our team of specialists that will be able to cherry-pick the best solutions to help you fight smart against ever-evolving threats.

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