Group-IB solutions for creating an efficient CTI program

Build and justify the value of
your cyber threat intelligence program

Discover Group-IB solutions built to help you master your CTI program. Learn how to respond to the intelligence requirements of your stakeholders and enable all the concerned departments of your organization with actionable threat intelligence insights.

Top challenges related to starting a CTI program within your company

Implementing a competent CTI program is a track full of challenges - from dealing with the dilemma of building your own TI team or purchasing a comprehensive TI solution, then determining the scope of the program, and requirements of stakeholders, or finally justifying and measuring the efficiency.

Defining CTI requirements
and the scope of the program
Dealing with the
'build or buy' dilemma
Collecting, processing, analyzing
right data in a right way
Proving efficiency
of CTI program

Defining CTI requirements and the scope of the program

One of the most common problems many organizations claim to face is struggling to clearly define their CTI requirements and determine the scope of the CTI program. Planning the program without overengineering or underestimating, and surveying stakeholders to understand their objectives, these points seem to challenge cybersec professionals the most while implementing a CTI.


of organizations where CTI requirements are clearly defined

Map out the program
Set up CTI requirements

Learn how to determine the right roadmap and strategy for the program. As it is an important strategic stage when you determine departments and teams to receive TI insights, it’s better to have both a big picture and a breakdown of activities for each stage and our experienced team can help you with it.

Discover Group-IB 'Building the ultimate SOC' training course →

Consult with our team of cybersecurity strategy consultants to prioritize intelligence requirements within your organization and help your stakeholders close the knowledge gap and fulfill their mission. Connect with Group-IB Compliance Audit and Consulting to help you fine-tune your requirements.

Discover Group-IB Compliance Audit and Consulting →

Dealing with the 'build or buy' dilemma

You want it or not but it's up to you to decide whether you are eager to invest more resources in hiring and training your own team of analysts or buy expertise, if you need to implement a SaaS threat intelligence platform, whether you want to consume or also produce your TI, how many threat intelligence collection sources you deal with.


of companies manage CTI with a unique in-house individual

Train your TI analysts
Implement a CTI platform

Explore Group-IB Training course for threat intelligence analysts to help your in-house teams collect and analyze multi-source information about ever-evolving cyber threats and develop an in-depth awareness and understanding of adversaries and their TTPs.

Discover Group-IB Cybersecurity Training for TI analysts →

Try cyber intelligence in action with Group-IB Unified Risk Platform combining the industry’s most comprehensive cyber intelligence library and a SaaS platform that prevents breaches, fraud, and brand abuse.

Discover Group-IB Unified Risk Platform →

Collecting, processing, analyzing right data in a right way

Collecting data from both external and internal sources, making sure the data you collect responds to your requirements, visualizing data in a comprehensible way, then organizing and processing data, identifying patterns... All that requires consequent TI expertise, advanced tools, and useful frameworks at hand, and can be a challenging process.


of global companies admit the lack of skills as a key CTI challenge

Collect a variety of data
Illustrate information for your stakeholders
Analyze without biases
Explore handy frameworks

See how the Group-IB Unified Risk Platform has unmatched visibility into current and past attacks from a diverse range of sources et provides open-source, dark web, human, endpoint, fraud, network, DFIR and brand intelligence insights.

Discover Group-IB Unified Risk Platform →

Leverage Group-IB Threat Intelligence solution’s Graph technology to facilitate the threat investigation or research, and use the intuitive graphical interface to better visualize your technical insights and reports for your stakeholders.

Discover Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

Try Red Teaming analysis to reduce potential confirmation biases while processing and analyzing the data you collect. Get objectively accurate analytical results and always double-check your conclusions.

Discover Group-IB Red Teaming →

Check out Group-IB’s unique and battle-tested SOC Framework where we share valuable tips on how to build a TI program for your organization. Adopt actionable insights on how to integrate threat intelligence into every security operations center service.

Discover the white paper →

Proving efficiency of CTI program

Multiple companies struggle to measure the efficiency and justify the value of TI solutions. Without any evidence of threat intelligence performance, CTI budget cuts are likely to happen. And it inevitably leads to your organization's security posture degradation.


of global companies struggled to justify investment of CTI

Measure CTI efficiency and share insights
Keep track of the current threat landscape

Try the Group-IB Threat Intelligence solution to maximize the performance of every component of your security with strategic, operational, and tactical intelligence you need to share with your stakeholders and all interested departments within your organization. Use the great reporting tool to demonstrate the evident value of your CTI insights.

Discover Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

Explore Group-IB’s annual Hi-Tech Crime Report 2023/24 to learn more about the current threat landscape. As the threat landscape is a cornerstone artifact in TI, make sure you update your knowledge about it and educate your stakeholders on the latest industry trends.

Discover Group-IB's report →

Connect with us
to get your perfect CTI program

Contact our team of specialists that will be able to cherry-pick the best solutions to help you build the most efficient CTI program.

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