Group-IB Solutions for Financial Services

Propel sensible cybersecurity stategies
to protect sensitive financial data

Here is the top-notch selection of Group-IB solutions to help you capitalize on your customer trust and give them those riskless journeys and reliable services they deserve.


Deliver the cybersecurity experience your customers can bank on

Make your customers happy and carefree while proactively building a carefully elaborated environment where your users’ data and transactions are secure

Ransomware and
targeted attacks
Account takeover
attacks (ATO)
Banking malware
Data breaches and leaks
Financial fraud
and scams

Ransomware and targeted attacks

Financial services companies rely on IT systems to process transactions, manage customer accounts, and provide other essential services. A ransomware attack can encrypt these systems, making them inaccessible to employees and customers. This inevitably leads to significant disruptions to business operations and failure to comply with regulatory demands.


of financial industry represented hit by ransomware in 2022

Minimize multiple ransomware ventures
Fortify your cyber response capabilities
Know your endpoints
Spot insiders before you join industry outsiders
Integrate threat prevention into your workflow
Detect and respond

Group-IB Threat Intelligence provides financial institutions with threat intelligence insights about the latest ransomware groups, vulnerabilities, compromised corporate accounts and systems. This information helps financial institutions to stay ahead of the curve and protect their systems from potential attacks.

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Group-IB Incident Response daily helps financial institutions to master their response tactics to ransomware attacks. Our incident response team assists financial institutions in containing the damage, recovering their systems, and investigating incidents.

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Group-IB’s Attack Surface Management scans external IT assets and assesses risks using threat intelligence data. It prioritizes issues for efficient remediation, identifying vulnerabilities that can be exploited by ransomware attacks.

Discover Attack Surface Management →

Group-IB Managed XDR solution provides financial organizations with a unified security platform that integrates EDR, and other security solutions to provide comprehensive visibility and proactively detect threats across all IT systems.

Discover Managed XDR →

Group-IB offers a wide array of security assessments to examine your company’s IT systems, identify and address vulnerabilities that ransomware attackers could exploit. No organization is immune to a ransomware attack, so now is the time to opt for prevention rather than recovery.

Discover Security Assessment →

Group-IB uncovers and analyzes advanced threats that evade the detection radars of conventional security solutions. We identify cybersecurity gaps that could lead to incidents in the future and recommend strategic measures that will help mitigate them and fortify your cyber defenses.

Discover Compromise Assessment →

Account takeover attacks (ATO)

Organizations that deal with user accounts tend to face numerous threats from cybercriminals. Obviously, these financially motivated attackers target the financial sector more often using a variety of techniques such as bad bots, credential stuffing, phishing, malware, or social engineering attacks, to gain access to so much coveted client accounts.


average ATO loss amount

Unveiling hidden threats
Observe and study your customers to recognize them
Compromised credit cards

Group-IB monitors the dark web and fraudster forums for suspicious activity that may pose threats to your organization. We provide you with specific information on potential threats against your company or customers, as well as any stolen credentials or credit card details resulting from malware or phishing attacks.

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Group-IB Fraud Protection solution successfully identifies suspicious activity indicative of an Account Takeover in all digital channels. It includes login attempts from unusual locations, changes in account activity patterns, anti-detect browsers, Remote Access Trojans, or social engineering, analyzing user behavior to distinguish genuine users from fraudsters.

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Group-IB Threat Intelligence keeps an eye on the dark web and fraudster forums to detect any compromised credit cards. This gives you the opportunity to take preventive measures such as alerting the customer, canceling the card, and issuing a new one before it can be misused or sold on the dark web.

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Banking malware

Banking malware is a type of malware that is specifically designed to steal financial information from victims. This information includes such data as credit card numbers, bank account information, and passwords. Banking malware can be spread through a variety of ways, including phishing emails, drive-by downloads, and malicious attachments.


In 2023, Group-IB discovered 16 New Banking Malware families

Profile malware to efficiently counteract it
Apply innovations when the old methods are scarce

Group-IB Threat Intelligence has a comprehensive set of data about the latest banking malware strains, techniques, and vulnerabilities. This information is particularly helpful for financial institutions to stay ahead of the curve and protect their systems from even extremely elaborate attacks.

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Behavior analysis is an efficient method of detecting Trojan attacks, as signature-based detection may fall short. Group-IB Fraud Protection contains device fingerprinting, behavioral and cross-channel analysis to differentiate legitimate users and signs of malware. It detects threats that traditional transactional anti-fraud systems don’t capture.

Discover Fraud Protection →

Data breaches and leaks

Data breaches usually cause significant money losses for financial institutions due to thefts of customer funds, fraudulent activities, and regulatory penalties. In such cases, the institution may also be held responsible for customer losses and face regulatory fines for omissions in customer data security.


records exposed in the 3 month of 2023 alone

Analyze your adversaries and their activities
Elavuate your security posture
Stop data breaches before they wreak havoc
Where does your attack surface end?

Group-IB Threat Intelligence helps financial services to avoid data breaches by identifying and classifying threats, and then focus cybersecurity resources on the most critical ones. Our solution outlines popular attack tactics and procedures (TTPs) so that financial organizations can develop and implement adequate security controls.

Discover Threat Intelligence →

Group-IB Security Assessment services helps financial companies identify IT vulnerabilities and assess their overall security posture. Based on the assessment, Group-IB provides recommendations to improve security controls and mitigate data breach risks.

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Group-IB Managed XDR is a comprehensive security solution for financial services companies. It gathers security data from all endpoints, networks, and applications, and employs advanced analytics and machine learning to identify threats that traditional security solutions may overlook.

Discover Managed XDR →

Group-IB’s ASM solution will enable you to do just that by showing you the possible entry points, weak configurations, previously unknown assets and attack vectors and providing possible solutions for them as well as providing external data on breaches, malware, darkweb mentions of your companies’ assets and CVE information.

Discover Attack Surface Management →

Financial fraud and scams

In the intricate world of finance, scams and frauds lurk in the shadows, preying on unsuspecting individuals and institutions. These illicit activities, driven by greed and cunning, pose a significant threat to the integrity and stability of the financial system


of surveyed organizations say they experienced fraud in the past two years.

Make your brand less of a target of fraudsters
Prevent the harm caused by compromised credentials
Eliminate guesswork by investigating digital fraud
Anti-fraud maturity assessment
Uncover money mule networks early
Detect compromised accounts

Group-IB Digital Risk Protection monitors the creation and use of fake websites, social media accounts, and other digital assets that are designed to impersonate financial institutions. This helps to protect clients from falling victim to phishing attacks and other scams.

Discover Digital Risk Protection →

Group-IB Fraud Protection solution can identify suspicious activity indicative of fraudsters using compromised credentials by detecting login attempts from unusual locations, devices, changes in account activity patterns, anti-detect browsers, Remote Access Trojans or social engineering.

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Once an incident or attack happens to your company, you have no time to guess. You are supposed to investigate immediately and collect digital evidence. Group-IB Investigation helps you identify the patterns and uncover the true extent of the criminal operation, aiding you in bringing the perpetrators to justice with our legal support.

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Anti-fraud maturity assessments are an important tool for financial institutions. These assessments can help organizations to improve their ability to prevent, detect, and respond to fraud. Financial institutions can protect themselves from significant financial losses by identifying and addressing areas of weakness in their fraud risk management programs.

Talk to a fraud analyst today →

Fraud Protection enhances AML prevention by detecting fraudulent activity using user session monitoring. Non-transactional indicators such as single device access to multiple unrelated bank accounts can identify money mule account networks during the preparation stage. Identifying these red flags helps banks prevent fraud and protect customers.

Detect mule accounts lurking in your digital payments →

Group-IB Threat Intelligence can help banks identify compromised banking credentials by monitoring dark web marketplaces and forums, analyzing malware samples, tracking adversary IP addresses, and sharing industry threat intelligence. In 2022, Group-IB helped a bank identify over 100,000 compromised banking credentials sold on a dark web marketplace.

Discover Threat Intelligence →

Benefit from Group-IB solutions to make your customer trust irrevocable

Talk to our experts that will be able to assess how our innovative solutions can help you protect your financial organization against ever-evolving threats.

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