Group-IB solutions for Head of Threat Intelligence

Activate real-time threat intelligence
that defends against all cyber threats

Base your cybersecurity strategy on threat intelligence tailored to the landscape and challenges unique to your business, ensuring targeted, timely, and budget-critical security decisions.

Your first line of defense:
Industry’s largest adversary-centric
Group-IB Threat Intelligence

As the threat landscape and vectors evolve, leverage customized and real-time threat intelligence to protect your network and critical assets as well as manage the risk quotient of emerging business opportunities.

contextual TI
Diverse data
feeds unification
Threat intelligence
Building cyber
security decisions
Business value

Building contextual threat intelligence

Intelligence is the first step in understanding risk but is rendered ineffective if generalized. The Head of Threat Intelligence needs to have a critical understanding and visibility of the relevant threats and exposures in all environments in which the business operates to take appropriate action and make informed security decisions.

Almost four in five

organizations are making cybersecurity decisions without any insight into the threats they face.

Manage threat exposure
Minimize your attack surface
Broaden coverage of data sources
Tap into the expertise of seasoned threat analysts

Group-IB Threat Intelligence enables threat landscape customization, allowing focus on relevant risks. Sharing insights and data analytics over an integrated security solution helps teams timely identify threats and prioritize critical updates based on the business’s attack surface.

Explore Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

Add a layer of proactive detection with Group-IB’s Attack Surface Management (ASM) to identify risks to your known and unknown IT assets, and prioritize issues to trigger high-impact remediations.

Learn about Group-IB Attack Surface Management →

Group-IB Threat Intelligence offers comprehensive and contextual coverage of data derived from 60+ sources, helping teams map ​​threat actors’ behaviors,TTPs, infrastructure, and activity in the MITRE ATT&CK format. Leverage the insights to build broad-ranging strategies to not only mitigate cyber risks but also minimize operational friction.

Enrich feed with Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

Get analyst-written recommendations to make the intelligence actionable. Submit requests to our seasoned threat intelligence researchers, skilled in analyzing and interpreting complex threat landscapes, and offering services Including Malware Reverse Engineering, Threat Enrichment, Ransomware Data Analysis, Custom RFIs and more.

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Diverse data feeds unification

A centralized picture of risks via real-time monitoring is crucial for the Head of Threat Intelligence to identify and compare patterns indicative of risks, prioritize critical updates, etc. They also need to work on data silos and consolidate feeds for accessibility across the team.

Establishing a central TI

for inter-organizational activities is one of the top objectives for businesses.

Get access to the one-true source dashboard
Detect compromised data in real-time
Get access to threat insights

Access the user-friendly, centralized dashboard of Group-IB Threat Intelligence to prioritize threat-hunting efforts, measure security metrics tied to business performance and risk posture, along with leveraging the intuitive graphical interface for effortless threat investigation and research.

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Discover compromised credentials, including leaked account credentials or banking card information, unauthorized use of the brand, and other types of information before they are used to launch attacks or cause financial damage. Create alerts to be aware of a compromise the moment it strikes.

Set alerts with Group-IB Threat Intelligence →

Group-IB’s Threat Intelligence offers an all-in-one solution, delivering a continuous stream of threat information to counter malicious activities. It provides unparalleled insights into dark web data sources, compromised credentials, phishing, and malware, along with the preferred methods, infrastructure, and activity of threat actors associated with these threats.

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Threat intelligence operationalization

Acquired threat intelligence and applied intelligence are two different things. To operationalize it, the Head of Threat Intelligence needs to gather diverse data, correlate, and process it to derive meaningful insights that can power existing security tools and inform strategies to tackle threats better.


cyber-threat intelligence is one of the primary security operations challenges today

Proactively protect your digital assets
Expand your capabilities
Benefit from TI consulting & training
Tap into the expertise of seasoned threat analysts

Holistically protect your business-critical assets with a synergistic duo of Group-IB Threat Intelligence (TI) and Digital Risk Protection (DRP). As digital assets work in tandem with physical assets and operations, DRP mitigates risks to your brand on both the clear and dark web through monitoring and taking down potential infringements.

Explore the power of Digital Risk Protection →

Enhance your existing security ecosystem easily with out-of-the-box integrations for Threat Intelligence. It seamlessly integrates with popular SIEM, SOAR, and TIP solutions, or via API and STIX/TAXII data transfer to any tool in your security ecosystem.

Explore Group-IB Threat Intelligence integrations →

Group-IB’s cyber threat intelligence consulting and training services help businesses improve their defenses against risks. We enhance your existing security program to align with your industry-specific threat landscape, empower employees with better cyber judgment abilities, and enable advanced detection through insights and threat-hunting capabilities.

Leran more about training programs →

Benefit from a dedicated team of threat intelligence experts who can help you understand how to translate the stream of threat insights into actionable steps, enabling you to proactively detect threats, respond effectively to incidents to limit damage, and gain a better understanding of threats unique to your business.

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Building cyber judgment

As the threat landscape evolves, the Head of Threat Intelligence needs to stay informed about emerging threat vectors and technologies to pivot cybersecurity strategies proactively. This can be efficiently achieved through the right strategic, operational, and tactical intelligence to build encompassing defenses against active cyber threats.

Timeliness of intelligence

became the leading factor in building a pre-emptive cybersecurity posture.

Gain more than just intelligence
Test your security readiness
Get exclusive insights

The Head of Threat Intelligence oversees the entire intelligence cycle, managing risks across physical security, Offsec, Defsec, governance, risk and compliance, brand protection, communications, and more. To effectively navigate these responsibilities, Group-IB steps up as your true business partner with our range of services.

Explore Group-IB’s Cybersecurity Services →

Stay ahead of risks through proactive security tests and assessments. Our experts use information on the latest methods and techniques used in attacks collected by Group-IB Threat Intelligence to draw risk scenarios and recommended actions. This process involves both manual work and the use of more than 40 automated tools.

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Group-IB Threat Intelligence collects data from 60+ sources across 15 categories of intelligence to create the most complete picture of threat actor activity. This includes exclusive data collected by undercover operatives on the dark web and from Interpol, Europol and Afripol, with whom Group-IB frequently collaborates to investigate cyberattacks.

Learn about our joint operations →

Informed security decisions

Leaders can't have tunnel vision for cyber threats as they need to utilize intelligence analysis for making business-savvy decisions (adopting new digital assets, investment opportunities, etc). They must communicate findings to raise stakeholder awareness of security risks, translating technical insights into business impact.

Threat intelligence

has enabled defenders to make faster, more informed security decisions.

Drive business decisions that aren't prone to risks
Get comprehensive reporting
TI consulting & custom RFI services

Make strategic business decisions, whether expanding into new territories or making critical investments, by analyzing crucial regional cybersecurity trends and patterns. Access real-time and localized threat insights tailored to your operational context and landscape.

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Get expert-created reports (weekly, monthly basis) constituting threat coverage of all alerts and incidents to make sure that the security initiatives align with established business goals and benchmarks.

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Our experts help businesses in making informed security decisions with custom RFI (Request for Information) submissions. Once submitted, we conduct custom research and provide high-impact recommendations tailored to your specific requirements.

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Business value justification

Threat Intelligence should serve as the basis for informing and enhancing security operations. The insights provided by Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) should be quantifiable, presenting a direct picture to the board with the initiatives taken regarding detected and thwarted threats.


of CIOs and CTOs struggle to communicate the business value of IT

Correlate insights to stop active threats
Achieve better ROI and reduce total cost of ownership

Present a clear, real-time picture of averted threats, such as detected compromised credentials, phishing pages containing banking card information, and suspicious domains. These insights facilitate the mitigation of fraud and secondary attacks.

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Incur no extra costs for the number of users, API calls, access to historical records, or integrations. Group-IB TI platform ensures streamlined operations without unnecessary subscriptions.

Additionally, consult Group-IB Threat Intelligence (TI) analysts to improve your current cybersecurity program to build tailored defenses against specific threats, along with investigations into active threats.

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Unseen and unpatched vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities can serve as easy attack vectors for cybercriminals. Therefore, security teams must have the right threat intelligence platform to receive real-time alerts about relevant, active breaches and mitigate risks effectively.


In a cybersecurity survey, 62% of respondents claimed they were not aware of their organization’s vulnerabilities before a breach.

Stay ahead of emerging vulnerabilities

Acquire enriched information about vulnerabilities, exploits, and attacks through Group-IB Threat Intelligence. Additionally, ensure protection by scanning your attack surface for unpatched vulnerabilities hidden in both known and unknown assets, including Shadow IT.

Explore Attack Surface Management →

Talk to an Expert

Gain intelligence that decodes, neutralizes,and responds against every ploy of adversaries. Get the help of experts to understand strategy, integration, capabilities, and more.

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